The Vershire Riding School is located on a high ridge overlooking the Green
Mountains to the west and the White Mountains to the east. We are 28 miles
northwest of Dartmouth College area and about an hour north of the Green Mountain Horse
Association in Woodstock, Vermont.
One of the joys of a 400+ acre campus is that
we can have separate facilities for separate skill levels. There are over 60
cross country jumps used by riders at the USEA Pre-elementary level through
Novice and Training levels. The cross country tracks weave through beautiful maple
woods, vast fields and hilly terrain.
We have 4 standard size dressage arenas, one large arena,
one schooling arena and and a new 72’ x 150’ indoor riding arena. There are 2 stadium jumping
fields, in addition to a horse show arena. We have cross-country jumping courses that cater to
all abilities from absolute beginner to advanced.

The children are housed by age. Each age grouping lives in a "quad" which houses 2
campers to a room (or 10 campers to a quad) which is off a living room, 2
bathrooms and a counselor's room. The beds are single beds--not bunks.

Our older campers live in a separate cabin, Donegan’s Cabin, which also has its own living
room, bathrooms and counselor's quarters.
Our main dining room is large enough to seat 85 people comfortably, but most campers and staff
prefer to eat on the patio outside. We provide both meat and vegetarian entrée’s at every meal.
We have a full salad bar for both lunch and dinner. Our small Organic garden provides some of
the vegetables for the camp. We also participate in a CSA at a local Organic farm for the
additional vegetables.
Our main barn stables 46 horses in box stalls, 10’x 12’, and an additional 20 horses may be
stabled in 2 other barns. We have turn out paddocks available for horses that need additional
outside time.
Our extracurricular activity program, offered everyday from 1-2:30 PM and 6-8:30 PM,
takes place in the large artroom facility and pottery room, at the spring fed swimming pond,
the tennis court, volleyball court, or in one of our large fields suited for
Capture the Flag and softball.
We feel fortunate living in a beautiful part of Vermont and enjoy sharing our
country facility with all our campers and visitors.
© Vershire Riding School. Site designed and developed by Harlequin Hare